Sdk integration guide
Sdk integration guide


You can pass data back and forth be careful of differences in data types.


  • You can use the debugger in both Android Studio and XCode to debug your native modules.
  • Then just call a method: PSDKHelpers.signout().
  • sdk integration guide

    Then assign the module to a const it’s very useful to have the name of both the Android and iOS modules be the same.Ĭonst PSDKHelper = NativeModules.PSDKHelpers


    You’d call that method from RN with “PSDKHelpers.signout()” – the objective c code would be: RCT_EXPORT_METHOD ( signout ) from ‘react-native’ In iOS you must first expose your file via the RCT_EXPORT_MODULE method in an Objective-C file, then to expose specific methods use the RCT_EXPORT_METHODįor example, you might create a file called PSDKHelpers.m and inside that file before any code you have the line RCT_EXPORT_MODULE you may have a specific method called RCT_EXPORT_METHOD(signoutTMX) – which you’d call to log out of PSDK. is a website plug-in module that needs no programming. reports user visits and actions on your website to the AppsFlyer platform.

  • In both Android/iOS you will need to expose the native methods you wish to interact with in order to pass data and send request from React Native to PSDK. The Web SDK JavaScript tag: is part of the People-Based Attribution (PBA) solution for analyzing user journeys across multiple platforms.
  • sdk integration guide

    For example, in Android you’ll need to make an entry in the AndroidManifest.xml file specific to your app.


    See the documentation on how to setup PSDK natively for iOS/Android. nRF Connect SDK v1.6.0 has built-in support for the Memfault Firmware SDK on nRF9160-based targets. The integration has been tested against the releases ranging from v1.4.0 up to v1.6.0.


    The following is the direct code examples of how developers can programmatically integrate systems for credential verifiers, issuers and identity owners on SiriusID using the Software Development Kit. In this guide we will walk through the steps for integrating the Memfault Firmware SDK into a project using the nRF Connect SDK.

  • ğor PSDK specifically the first thing to do is drop the PSDK library in the correct folders. ProximaX SiriusID SDK Integration Guide There are multiple integration points that can be achieved.
  • Make sure to read an understand these sources well before esitmating or starting development.įor more detailed platform specific step for iOS and Android, you may also refer to the following :
  • First, please review some of the documentation on integrating native methods with React Native.
  • In this guide we will provide high level steps to integrate the Presence SDK into your react native application. React Native apps may integrate with the Presence SDK through a native modules for iOS & Android.

    sdk integration guide

    Sometimes a React Native app needs to access a native platform API that is not available by default in JavaScript, for example the native iOS or Android SDK methods exposed in the Presence SDK (PSDK). Carry out final testing and submit to the Google Play Store.React Native Presence SDK Integration Guide When development is complete, replace the integration file with the production version.Develop your code to add encrypted playback and other features to the player.Using this guide, create a basic player for details, see:.In conjunction with the Android SDK 4 Example Code Quick Start guide, use the code examples to explore and test the features of the OpenTV Player.We recommend you perform integration of OpenTV Player SDK 4 in the following stages: NAGRA supplies the following files as part of your release: The app requires a physical Android device with USB debugging enabled as per Android guidelines ( ).

    Sdk integration guide